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Track and Ritualise Your Moon Cycle for Women Coming of Age.
Celebrating our Rite of Passage into Womanhood and by living in accordance with our Feminine cycles with Grace, Guidance and Love.
Welcome to the Sisterhood!
Created By: Moana Rose Moon
Art by Josie Doolan
Stylised by Melissa Williams
This Diary is proudly published by Giving Thanks, creators of the popular Gratitude Diary.
Heartfelt gifts this Christmas
The GIFT of Giving Thanks is the BEST gift you can give!
Happy Holidays!
Deepen your wisdom as you track each moon in your 13 Moon cycle.
Learn how to Celebrate your Womanhood with Ceremony and Self-care rituals. Harness your Power by Connecting to Nature and her Rhythms.
This Sacred Moon Journal is a place to record your Awakenings as you connect to your Body Wisdom.
I am Moana Rose Moon, Author and Creator of this Sacred Moon Journal.
There is much Mystery around the female body, her psyche and her gifts. As a Woman I have journeyed with the guidance of my Elders to discover the deepest treasures we all possess as women, through connecting to my body wisdom, monthly moon cycle and by honouring myself as a cyclic being. As a trailblazer in my own life, I have had the freedom to discover deeper and more fulfilling ways to live.
I am an advocate for having full ownership and choice as to what I do with my own body and life.
I believe if we allow ourselves to express ourselves fully, we not only feel energised and alive, but we serve the planet, humanity and all her creatures by sharing our love. It is my wish for Women everywhere to feel totally connected to their own bodies, inner wisdom and passion.
By celebrating our Rite of Passage into Womanhood and by living in accordance with our Feminine cycles with Grace, Guidance and Love.
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