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Online Interactive ~ 2024 Gratitude Diary

AUD $21.50

Download your Full Online Interactive 2024 Gratitude Diary NOW!

The 2024 Gratitude Diary is now in an easily-accessible DIGITAL version for use on any device; phone, tablet, or computer!

The best-selling Gratitude Diary is beautifully designed, that will enrich your soul and spirit every day of 2024.

It’s so much more than just a diary… a daily companion, confidante and a sacred space for growth and healing.

FREE Postage to your Inbox
Best to use: Adobe Acrobat PDF or an app like GoodNotes or Notability for desktop, phone, tablet, and laptops.


The Online Interactive 2024 Gratitude Diary is:

The same as the printed Gratitude Diary, just handier for travel or those that have a digital lifestyle. We suggest you will need both in your life.

The Full Interactive Online Gratitude Diary includes:

Beautifully designed pages, one for each day of the year. Enrich your life soul and spirit…

  • A space each day to list all that you are grateful for
  • A day to a page organisational Diary
  • Monthly intention setting
  • 12 worksheets that begin on each new moon
  • Monthly Astrological overview
  • Reflective quotes 
  • Inspired art

The Gratitude Diary will help you to:

Raise awareness
of the gifts

you have access to right NOW.

Raise your
vibrational state

which positively impacts everyone around you.

Become aware of the feminine energies of creation

and embrace the masculine with love and respect.

Experience profound changes

that will leave you inspired and activated.

Embrace your truth

Express who you are, fearlessly

Celebrate the moment

Moon Cycles

Another intention I held dearly in my heart, when creating this Diary, was to help both men and women attune to, and be nourished by the ebbs and flow of the moon’s cycles. It was my secret mission.

Simply by becoming aware of the moon and her cycles, which are indicated every seven days, helps support the balance of your masculine and feminine. When you live in tune with the PLANET’S rhythms, you begin to notice that you are also living parallel to the cycles and seasons of life, and it is the awareness and acceptance of this that creates Peace.

Monthly Articles

Working alongside the moon’s rhythms, Melanie Spears has written on a new topic each new moon for all to ponder…

‘At sea’ has inspired the theme of WATER for this year’s Gratitude Diary. My motivation has been to connect more deeply with water. I’m surrounded by it down here in Tasmania. Massive, healthy flowing rivers, oceans as far as the eye can see, snow, fog, frost on the grass…  And of course, there are the creatures whose home is the sea, including our ancient custodians, the whales and dolphins, as well as the entire ecosystem that supports life under our watery realms.

The Gratitude Diary Reviews

“I love my Gratitude Diary so much I have just emailed the company to pre order next year’s so I do not miss out! I have always been one who is never satisfied with a diary halfway through the year, and gets bored with it and buys another one but how can anyone get bored with this delightful find. Customer for life.”


Benay Dyor

I’ve been writing in my Gratitude Journal every day for what seems like forever. This is my eighth year! I honestly consider it like a best friend. Every night before I go to bed, no matter what’s happened in my day, the time spent journaling is like confiding in my closest friend. I love the inspiring quotes, the moon readings, the soul exercises that make me delve into myself. I’m so grateful to have this beautiful creative canvas in my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.



I bought this diary for work as I keep a diary every year. I have had a very sad last three years with the passing of my in-laws, my parents, our beloved family dog, and worst of all my darling husband. I saw this diary and instantly drew comfort from it. I am looking forward to starting it next year and because I keep all my diaries it will be lovely for my children to have one day. Will buy one every year now. Thank you.


Adrienne Stevens

I’m about to start my own Reiki practice with the registered business name of “Today’s a Good Day”. The aim is to encourage people to look at the positives no matter how small they may seem. I’ve been looking for a diary over the past couple of months now and nothing seemed right – yours are exactly what I’ve been looking for, they are beautiful and I’m grateful that you designed them and I’ve found them.


Chris Seager

I am using my Gratitude Diary for appointments and my To Do List. In making brief notes of what I am grateful for I am becoming increasingly present to how wonderful life is in general and mine in particular. My attention is being directed to what IS as a part of my routine creation process.


Catherine Sommers

The most magnificent books we have ever laid eyes on. We are grateful to have these books in our store. Thank you so much.


Kimberley Galbraith

Beautiful diary thanks so much Melanie! I’ve found great solace and peace of mind in writing in this diary and clarifying my thoughts. It has made me truly wake up to the abundance that surrounds me always and no matter what is happening in life, the smallest and simplest things are what I can be grateful for.


Melanie Macfarlane

I just purchased the ‘Gratitude Diary’ from a wonderful local store ‘Inspire Me’ and I am absolutely thrilled with it. I can’t wait to start using it and will be purchasing one every year from now! Thank you for creating such a wonderful tool.


Sarah Cowan

I have used my Gratitude Diary throughout this year with much delight and joy. I have today reordered next year’s and can’t wait to receive it in the mail. Thank you for making this wonderful diary available to us all.


Shayne Louise Johns

Given that we have now moved into the era of acknowledging and using the Law of Attraction, The Gratitude diary is a wonderful tool to use to reach for your heart’s desire.



I love my Gratitude Diary so much I have just emailed the company to pre order next year’s so I do not miss out! I have always been one who is never satisfied with a diary halfway through the year, and gets bored with it and buys another one but how can anyone get bored with this delightful find. Customer for life ; )



Get the Full Online Fillable ~2024 Gratitude Diary Today

Instant Download!

2 Downloads Available – Gift to a friend/family member or use on your own two personal devices

About Melanie Spears, Creator of the Gratitude Diary

Melanie Spears, the creator of the Gratitude Diary from Byron Bay, Australia.

The Gratitude Diary was conceived in 2009 and Melanie thought it was just going to be a hobby. Unexpectedly, it has become a Best Seller of 16,000 readers and growing with stockists in Australia, New Zealand, UK and this year into North America and Europe.

Melanie’s sharing of knowledge has surpassed even her own expectations of what is possible in the realms of emotional healing.An incredible healer with a big passion and desire for helping you!

There are varieties of Gratitude Diaries in the marketplace…However none have the personal stories of breakthrough, resilience and transformation this beauty holds – Plus SO much more 🧡

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